About Us

Our Vision

To be the Topmost Strategic HR Business Solution Provider.

Our Mission

With best brains, we help organizations realize their goals

Our Values

i. Goal Oriented
ii. Responsibility
iii. Innovation
iv. Transparency

Our Culture

Breaking business barriers while having fun

about us

We are here to help your business achieve
your Organisational Goals

Novus Consulting is an Outsourcing and Growth Optimization company. We are dedicated to helping clients achieve their critical objectives by linking people and resource efficiency strategies with business and goals.

We are part of Business Solutions and Advisory Group that assist clients in designing and deploying appropriate Organizational Innovation Systems. We are collectively driven towards helping organizations achieve their goals.
Why choose us

There are many companies
but why choose us

From strategic planning to putting our boots on the ground, our scope and approach are summed up below.
  • Understand We ask SO MANY questions till we scrutinize enough and unite thoughts till solutions are made
  • Analyze Data is King and we understand that it is the mine beneath your business challenges. We dig for the data and make the unknown patterns.
  • CurateAiming at ACCURACY, we onboard creativity as our second nature. The solution that comes out must be fit, otherwise, we are not near.
  • StimulateBefore we deploy, we qualify and substantiate every research and recommendation and only assure the best practices.